Plastic bucket with a kind of coating
Surface of the plastic bucket, there are two coating process coating and coating the coating process. Crystallinity of the plastic is larger, less polar or non-polar, surface energy plastic bucket Shandong low, it will affect the adhesion of the coating to the coating. As the plastic is non-conductive insulator, and therefore can not regulate by an electroplating process in Shandong plastic bucket surface coating directly coated, so before Shandong plastic bucket surface treatment, pre-treatment should be necessary, in order to increase the bonding coating coated force and to provide good adhesion for coating conductive primer coating treatment.
1 pretreatment coating coated plastic bucket Shandong
Pre-treatment including plastic surface degreasing treatment, namely the removal of oil and release agent plastic surfaces, as well as the activation of the plastic surface treatment, aims to improve the adhesion of the coating covering.
(1) Shandong plastic bucket of oil. And degreasing metal surface similar to plastic products degreasing alkaline aqueous solution of organic solvent cleaning or degreasing available containing surfactant. An organic solvent for cleaning paraffin oil, beeswax, fats and other organic soils from the plastic surface, the organic solvent should not dissolve the plastic products, non-swelling, no cracks, itself low boiling point, volatile, non-toxic and non-combustible.
An aqueous alkaline solution suitable for alkaline degreasing plastic products. Since this solution contains caustic soda, alkaline salts and a variety of surface-active substances. The most commonly used surface-active substances for the OP series, i.e., polyoxyethylene alkyl phenol ether, it will not form a foam, no residue on the surface of the plastic article.
(2) activation of Shandong plastic bucket surface. Activation is to increase the surface energy of plastic products, is a plastic surface generate some polar group or be roughened to allow easier wetting and coating adsorbed on the workpiece surface. There are many ways to activate the surface of plastic products, such as chemical oxidation, flame oxidation, solvent vapor etching method and corona discharge oxidation method. One of the most widely used chemical polycrystalline oxidation treatment method, this method is commonly used chromic acid treatment liquid, which is typically 4.5% formulation of potassium dichromate, 8.0% water, concentrated sulfuric acid (96%) 87. 5%.
But also on the surface of the plastic chemical drums were some direct coating covering Shandong plastic buckets, plastic products such as polystyrene and ABS plastic products, has no chemical oxidation process. In order to obtain high quality coating covered, there are chemical oxidation treatment, such as ABS plastic article after degreasing, chromic acid treatment may be more dilute etching solution, typical chromic acid treatment formulation is 420g / L, sulfuric acid (specific gravity 1.83) 200ml / L. A typical treatment process is 65 ℃ 70 ℃ / 5min10min, washed with water, dried.
Advantages Shandong plastic bucket with chromic acid etching treatment solution is that no matter how complex shapes plastic products, can be uniform treatment, but a certain danger exists on the operation, but also the existence of pollution problems.