Chemical plastic bucket seven common packaging technology
It is well known chemical plastic bucket in our lives is often applied as a packaging container, which is widely used in chemical, dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, metallurgy, rare earth, mechanical, electronics, environmental protection, textiles, food industries, industrial production and We usually essential to life dressed container. Chemical plastic barrels packaging technology there are many, our technical summary of the seven often applied to, to tell you in more detail below.
(1) plastic drums packaging: Fieldbus technology. The use of fieldbus technology first "liberated" most of the hardware, so that cumbersome installation links simplified; in the actual production applications, the convenience and flexibility is more obvious; fieldbus technology can be integrated with the ERP system, so management layer can be retrieved through the ERP system is very convenient to analyze operational data, to understand the production of the actual and immediate situation, monitor the plant operation. Fieldbus technology in the domestic large-scale food processing enterprises in more general, which is a seamless whole production line of unmanned operation and transmission, testing and other processes to provide a convenience.
(2) sensor packaging technology plastic drums. In the food processing and packaging machinery industry, the application range of the sensor, monitoring in food and beverage storage tanks, filling packaging, mixing and processing, cooling and heating, cleaning, packaging and other processes to be used in the sensor. The technology gap in the market has become a battleground of many automation vendors.
(3) Transmission Control drums packaging technology. Transmission products for use in the packaging machinery mainly to adjust the motor speed and control the main process changes periodically during production speeds. But for most packaging machinery, the drive is not mandatory electrical products. Drive usage in the industry is low, in large standard gauge machines and packaging lines have larger development space.
(4) motion control drums packaging technology. Motion control products for applications in the packaging machine is to achieve accurate position control and strict speed synchronization for the handling, transportation, marking, stacking, unstacking and other processes. Due to the rapid development of China's packaging industry, the country will need more high-end packaging machinery, motion control products will get more space for development in the industry.
(5) Display drums packaging technology. Packaging machinery HMI and PLC or microcontroller typically used in conjunction with the production process parameters for setting, monitoring equipment running status, recording equipment production history. Few high-end machine uses touch screen.
(6) logistics automation drums packaging technology. Further development of logistics automation makes the entire food processing and packaging production line has been improved, a complete food processing chain is formed. Logistics automation technology is to make the most direct expression of human obtain savings, despite China's labor is more abundant, but the development of logistics is the trend.
(7) Automatic identification drums packaging technology. Automatic identification of packaging material thickness, hardness, rebound, etc., through the computer back to the robot to adjust the range of motion to ensure that no rebound; at the same time, to ensure a variety of products loaded into the same box, which is a regular arrangement. Since the production line transfer products are unordered, then you need to scan the probe to determine the location of materials of different shapes, and then back to a different robot, so that it would be accurate to the article by the exact position and orientation into the tray.
