wholesale plastic bucket suppliers
Plastic Buckets Suppliers, China Plastic bucket factory www.plasticbucketmanufacturers.com/lid/
A plastic bucket appears to go through a complete Cengcengbaguan, wall thickness, height mouth end face and must be strictly requirements; for plastic barrels, the wall thickness and its distribution is a major factor in product performance guarantee.
Plastic bucket different thickness have different rules, such as minimum wall thickness can not appear at the bottom of the product and at the parting line, to fully consider the thickness distribution of the product, set a different wall thickness at different positions in order to ensure a certain standard and meet the performance requirements under the premise of product weight.
Under normal circumstances the parting line at the bottom of the barrel plastic barrels should be the thickest, the minimum wall thickness should be in the corners of the product, but generally lower than the angle of the bottom corner should be thicker at the top; the thickness of the product should be less than the lower part of the upper to be bigger. You can decide to use symmetric parts according to the product or the thickness ratio of the thickness difference to test the thickness uniformity of the product, if the assessment symmetric parts thickness ratio of 1: 1.5 should be the upper limit.