mop buckets from china Plastic bottled water for drinking period not more than five days
Plastic bucket in our lives very manufacturer of a product, we usually drink drinks although that is summed up and said plastic bottles but can be considered a small plastic bucket, and we see plastic barrels of oil are used, have to say is the source of our life, "water", now bottled water has been very common, basically I went into every household.
But few people know that bottled water is best not to eat more than five days, and drinking fountains should be cleaned once two weeks, so as to ensure safety and health. In previous bottled water process, they are often found in the user's home bottled water summer green, sometimes unknown to the user will complain that they sent a fake water, in fact, "green water" and stored for too long related. Because summer is algae, liverworts high incidence of microbial growth, the summer air humidity, many microbial spores will be blown in the air to find a place for their reproduction. Thus, in the summer drinking often suffer these microorganisms spores invasion, will appear "green water" phenomenon. So remind everyone of plastic bottled water is safe, but the best time to drink not more than five days.
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